Thursday, 14 January 2010

Who are you?

As you can see from the map we live and work in different parts of Scotland. Intoduce yourself to the group by writing 3 or 4 sentences about yourself, your school and an area of particular interest to yourself which you would like to follow up during this visit.


  1. I am looking forward to reading about you.

  2. I've had a look at the video clip about San Sebastian. It brings back many good memories. It's one of my favourite cities in Spain. Over the years I've been researching learning and teaching of the eskuera language and was fortunate to links with schools from the region. I'm sure you will bring back a wealth of information from this visit. The visit to Catalonia was very successful and informative and hopefully both visits will inform current practice in Scotland.

  3. Tapadh leibh airson a' phuist-dealain, Linda. Thanks for the e-mail, Linda.
    Tha mi nam fhear-teagaisg Gàidhlig is eachdraidh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Acadamaidh Inbhir Pheofharain. Tha mi 56 bliadhna dh'aois, pòsta is ceathrar chloinne agam agus cha robh mi riamh ann an Tìr nam Basgach chun an seo.
    I am a teacher of Gaelic and history through the medium of Gaelic in Dingwall Academy. I am 56 years old, married with four children and I have never been to the Basque country.

  4. I have been at Tollcross Gaidhlig Unit for 20 years. Time flies! I am really looking forward to visiting San Sebastian and finding out how the language and culture are promoted in school and community. i am especially interested in storytelling/ drama and any other ways oral fluency is developed.

  5. Kaixo Mary dut izena[total euskara vocab. at the moment!]
    I've been reading about the Basque Country's fight for recognition.
    I teach gaelic through song to pre5-P3 and have an interest in traditional stories.

    This bllogging is a steep learning curve for me!

  6. Hello everyone, I have been a teacher at Sandbank Primary School in Dunoon for the last 3 years. I teach Gaelic medium P5-7. I really enjoy teaching Gaelic and I am keen to experience different methodologies for teaching languages. I think it will be interesting to see how another country promotes and encourages their cultural language.

  7. Tha mi ag obair mar Leasaiche Foghlaim agus Ionnsachadh dha Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Tha mi air a bhi an sàs ann an foghlam Gàidhlig airson còrr math is 20 bliadhna. Nach mi a tha sean!!
    I am Director of Education and Learning with Bòrd na Gàidhlig. I have been involved with Gaelic education for more than twenty years. That makes me really old!!

  8. Originally I am from the Isle of Barra,and have lived in Aberdeen for the last twenty three years. I have been teaching at the Gaelic unit within Gilcomstoun Primary for fifteen years.I am interested in the immersion phase as this is the stage I teach at Gilcomstoun. In particular,on this visit,I would like to learn about immersion stage methodology and resource provision in the Basque region. I am looking forward to this visit and meeting you all.

  9. Hello a Chairdean. Formerly a secondary Gaelic teacher I'm now an Education Officer for Gaelic in Argyll and Bute and work across sectors in pre-school, primary and secondary. I'm looking forward to all aspects of this visit and to what we can learn and offer in return. The Basque Country is somewhere I've wanted to visit since studying minority languages in university. Can't wait!

  10. Haidh! I came late to teaching and have just moved from Tiree back to Skye. I teach P1-7 in Plockton and I am currently doing Course 2 of Sreap. This trip fits in exactly with the work I am doing there. First blog ever!

  11. Successful response Siusaidh! Great. Hopefully by the end of our trip you will find this a useful tool to share what we learn/ other info with the group.

  12. Kaisho, Just thought I'd add that I teach in Lismore and Appin Primaries although my interest is in song I do actually teach Pre5 - 7 in Lismore and in Appin P/ time agus tha sinn a deanamh moran obair chaneil sinn direach a seinn
    Agur for now Mary

  13. This is not me but from Magaidh

    Hi. Oifigear Phàrant aig Comann nam Pàrant airson 6 bliadhna, ron sin Oifigear Òigridh aig Comunn na Gàidhlig airson 5 bliadhna agus ron sin ag obair aig CNSA mu 10 bliadhna. Have been the Parental Officer with Comann nam Pàrant for past 6 years, before that Youth Officer with Comunn na Gàidhlig for 5 years and working with CNSA for about 10 years before that. Especially interested in finding out about use of language outside the classroom and support for parents as well as secondary provision, immersion language methodology….everything really!

  14. Not from me but Rupachitta

    I expect most of you know me (by sight anyway) to some extent already.
    I qualified as a Gaelic and Art teacher 4 years ago. I had a great year doing my probation in Dingwall and then had a post with gaelic learners in Alness for two years. I started at Tain Royal Academy a year and a half ago with Gaidhlig medium pupils. Alness was a tough learning experience for me going from a very supportive faculty with three Gaelic teachers to being the only Gaelic teacher with a new subject and new exams. I went from gaelic medium to gaelic learners and now I am back with Gaelic medium. I have 18 pupils, S1 and S2 do Gaidhlig and Geography in Gaelic. I would like to increase the Gaidhlig provision by introducing S1 and S2 history.
    I've had a great year with pupils taking part in Ri Cheile in Derry, BT Debate in Stornoway and Film G. We are through to the short list and waiting eagerly. S1 and S2 have made an animation about the environment which we hope to finish shortly.
    I love the variety of subject matter that we can cover with the pupils and the endless scope for imagination and creativity. I see the main challenge of my job as keeping my pupils interested. AND improving their Gaelic.
    I look forward to meeting up with you , speaking gaelic and exploring how to be better teachers together.

  15. Hi everyone
    I'm teaching P1/2 Gaidhlig in Mount Cameron Primary, East Kilbride. Been teaching for 3 years now and love every minute of it! I'm from South Uist and been living in Glasgow for 10 years but Uist will always be home!!! Really looking forward to meeting you all and enjoying our experience in San Sebastian together.

  16. Kaixo a chairdean! Is mise Catriona NicIain, 's ann a Uibhist a Tuath a tha mi. Bha mi ag obair ann an Acadamaidh Allt a' Mhuilinn, Inbhir Nis airson grunnd bhliadhnaichean ach tha mi a-nis ag obair ann an Acadamaidh Rioghail Inbhir Nis, a' teagasg Gaidhlig agus Eachdraidh tro mheadhan na Gaidhlig.
    Hi folks. I'm Catriona Johnson, from North Uist. I worked in Millburn Academy, Inverness for several years, teaching Gaidhlig and GM History. I'm now working in Inverness Royal Academy. I'm looking forward a great deal to visiting San Sebastian. Very interested in making links with other Minority languages (we recently had a visit from a Saami group which was great!)
    So, I'm probably the last to introduce myself..
    Rinn mi an gnothach air an teicneolas mu dheireadh!

  17. Haidh a chairdean, tha mi gu math toillichte a bhith air ais 's tha mi a' coimhead air adhart mo smuaintean is mo bheachdan a cuir ri cheile.
    hi, glad to be home and looking forward to puting my views into some order
    Chi mi aig an ath latha dhiubh - See you at the next day thingy.
    2nd blog - I feel so professional

  18. You are! I loved your photo re San Sebastian at night.......your professional skills are obviously beyond the majority of us.
